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There are some advantages: If the broken line graph is misleading in your business in a good way, people will really believe you and your business in whatever the graph says. For example, If there is a line graph that shows that today your customer satisfaction rate is 99.9% then your customers will really believe you which will make your business more popular. The only bad things are if your customers realize that the graph is misleading or "broken" then they will abandon your business and then maybe your employees will do the same thing because they lose your trust. But if you make the graph believable, you are super successful. But, of course if you don't want to risk it, I would suggest using a non broken graph just in case. Hope this answers your question!

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Q: What are the advantages using broken line graph?
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the advantages fo using a line graph is that is shows trends over time and with a bar chart it shows ammount

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a broken line graph has numbres going everywhere and a line graph has numbers going on a steady rate (e.g 50,10,90 for a broken line graph) (eg 2,4,6 for a line graph) hope i helped :D

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What is a broken line graph?

A broken line graph shows information by plotting points of info on the graph, with dots and connecting them with a line.

Broken line graph?

A broken line graph shows information by plotting points of information on the graph and are connected with a line. This is used to show continuous data.

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The graph that displays data using line segments is a line graph.

When do you use a broken line graph?

you use a broken line graph usually for showing continuous data (data with growth over time)

What are the advantages of using broken line graphs?

Easy to compare multiple continuous data sets

Why would you use a broken line graph?

You would use a broken bar graph, when grouping and gathering information. You would use straight, slanted, or vertical lines and showing points with dots. A broken bar graph is just like a line graph.

What is the difference between a line graph and a broken line graph?

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What is a continuous line graph?

a continuous line graph is a graph that is similar to a broken line graph but it always grows higher and higher it never goes down. e.g. age