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Q: What are advantages and disadvantages of using a bar graph?
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of a bar graph?

Advantages:You can compare things easilyYou can make a decision quicklyDisadvantages:It can be time consuming to draw a bar graphA bar graph does not show data collectively as a whole

What are the advantages of using line graphs?

the advantages fo using a line graph is that is shows trends over time and with a bar chart it shows ammount

What are the disadvantages of a comparative bar graph?


What are the advantages of a line graph?

It is easier to read because it can be not as cluttered as a bar graph or scatter plot graph.

How are a bar graph and a line graph different?

a bar graph is a graph that displays data using bars and a line graph is a graph that displays data in a line

What are the disadvantages of a double bar graph?

They have two bars on a single graph.

Advantages of double bar graph?

observations from reseaches can be shown simultaneously

What are the dis advantages of ogives?

Some disadvantages of ogives include potential confusion due to the curved shape, difficulty in precise measurements or calculations from the graph, and a tendency for the ogive to hide fluctuations in the data compared to a bar graph or other visuals.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a component bar chart?

The size of most of them.

What advantages do you get when you use a bar graph?

You can see which subject has the highest pretty easy by seeing which bar is the highest.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of bar code readers?

Disadvantages could be that they are easily broken and if so, void. They are sometimes hard for the scanner to read. Advantages They are an easy way to put information together. Checkout is faster and easier when scanning bar codes. It is easier to keep records and inventory using barcodes.

Advantages and disadvantages of bar charts?

not very good for a large number.