50-400 USDs
Apprently not. But holy crap i have just won 5 million USDs/
5 GBPs = 8.92 USDs
Most likely it refers to USD's. As in to mean United States Dollars.
it varies from several RMBs to thousands. if u just want a simple dinner, average cost is arround 20 RMBs which means about 3 to 4 USDs at the rate of 6 RMBs =1 USD. if u just go to the restaurant located in the business cycle, it will surly cost u over 60 USDs per person for a meal. this is the standard in Shanghai. and it will lower in the Mid- or West- part of Cina. Wish this will help!~ :)
No, you will never get a free Dragon Amulet.
Almost all of the emails relating to the National Lottery are scams. The only reason you should receive an email about the lottery is if you are a signed up member of the National Lottery website.
An entertainment lawyer is an attorney who specializes in all legal matters pertaining to the entertainment industry. "Transactional" lawyers draw up and negotiate contracts between artists, writers, producers, directors, agents, studios and record companies. "Litigators" handle the lawsuits for personnel in the entertainment industry. A handful of entertainment lawyers do both transactions and litigation. Struggling entertainment lawyers, junior associates and "in house" lawyers make $75,000 to $150,000 a year. Litigators can make in the seven figures by working on contingency fee. The top transactional lawyers make $400,000 to $5,000,000 a year. Nice work if you can get it!
Married couples comprised 78 percent of households in 1950, but this percentage dropped dramatically over the next forty years to a mere 53 percent in 1998. Also, the average size of American households has decreased over the recent years. About 57 percent of American households now only house one or two people, compared to an average of about 3.1 people in 1970 (USDS, 2001).
id say the lightest were remedyz when they came out first, they were just like hi top sneakers with a frame on them, or fattys were ok, now remz r pretty heavy so id say deshi or some of the usds, xjsados are deceptivly light looking but are pretty heavy. It also depends on what frames you have. I have Xjsados with feather light 2 frames and they are super light.