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It is a sign you should go see a doctor. It is a sign you should go see a doctor.

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Q: Its been 2 weeks after taking the morning after pill and after sex you still have brownish discharge does that mean you are pregnant?
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Your discharge is heavy but not smelly What is it from?

Probably hormonal. A woman taking the contraceptive pill will have a discharge, as will a pregnant woman. Women who are not pregnant and not taking hormones ie women who are having a completely normal hormonal cycle will notice increased discharge around the time of ovulation.

Already pregnant before taking the morning after pill will it cause a miscarriage?

It probably will if I understand the "morning after" pill. I also think they won't give it to you if you are all ready pregnant .

Should you be worried if you had brown discharge after regular period that was on time?

Brownish discharge can mean different things. It could be a sign of ovulation. it could also be a false menstrual cycle in which your body did not release an egg but still rids itself of blood leftover from the last heavier period. It could also mean that you may be pregnant. The best thing to do is talk to your doctor. But you can also start tracking your fertility as an added comfort. It requires taking your waking temp. and noticing your vaginal discharge. You can get a great book called "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" by Toni Weschler, MPH. I have found it to be very helpful in educating myself about my female anatomy.

Can you be pregnant if you were taking the pill correctly but you have spotting for 3 days before your period is due?

If by spotting, you mean you have started having a light discharge of your period then it is a good sign you are not pregnant. It is important for you to recognize that this discharge may not be your normal menstrual fluid though. If it looks like your regular discharge, and you've been taking your pill correctly, you shouldn't be pregnant. A pregnancy test is an affordable way to pt your mind at ease though. Also, recognize if you are on the sugar pill part of your birth control, which should be inducing your period. As always, consult a doctor for an examination to be completely sure.

If you start taking your birth control in the morning instead of evening will it cause a chance in getting pregnant?

If you take your pill at the same time every day you significantly limit your chance of getting pregnant.

My sister and me are in an argument. She's pregnant and freaking out. She thinks taking 3 day after pills will kill the baby inside her. She's around 4 months pregnant. Will that kill the baby?

And why is she freaking out? There's no reason for her to take the morning after pill if she's already pregnant. And no it wont do anything. The morning after pill only works for 72 hours after sex which is before you get pregnant.

Can you get pregnant while taking novynette?

can you get pregnant will taking novynette

Can you stop a pregnancy after 3 days?

You can prevent a pregnancy by taking the morning after pill up to 5 days after sex. If you already are pregnant there is only abortion.

Your period was do yestrday may 24th and nothingWell today you have a brownish pinkish like watery bleedingIs this implantation bleedingI am still having all the sypmtoms of being pregnant.?

It is quite possible. You should consider taking a pregnancy test.

When pregnant is pee dark in the morning and light through out the day?

Such color change is normal, but may be more noticeable when pregnant. It tends to be darker in the morning, because you likely didn't drink much through the night. The urine is more concentrated. Throughout the day, you begin taking in fluids, and the urine dilutes.

Should you get a brownish discharge between periods whilst on the pill and continued without a break after antibiotics?

Most antibiotics don't affect the birth control pill. Spotting, whether brown, black, or red, is common after taking the birth control pill continuously without a break.

How can you determine when you can get or if you are pregnant if your cylcles are not very normal?

There is a way to tell by taking your temp each morning. When you are fertile you have a higher temp. Search this method and im sure it will help!