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Q: Is it normal to bleed a lot after you lose your virginity?
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How many days at most do you bleed for implantation bleeding?

I know this really isn't answering your questions for a number but I think every woman is different. Some women don't bleed, some do, and some bleed a lot (though this is rare) If you want to really know what's going on, go to the doctors and get a hormone level test. This is the only way to know what's going on with your body. If the number doubles every two days then you're pregnant . If I drops a lot then it could be a miscarriage or after a period (they would tell you) Good luck. I know this stuff sucks

What is the difference between standard normal distribution table and the t distribution table?

standard normal is for a lot of data, a t distribution is more appropriate for smaller samples, extrapolating to a larger set.

Is it normal for a girl to have a double d bra size at 14?

It all depends on various factors. Firstly, would you say you are overweight? Or, do you eat a lot of dried fruit, and nuts? Lastly, are you hispanic, or black? If the answer is yes to those questions, then yes, it's normal.

If you have 5 football matches with 3 outcomes win lose or draw how many different combinations are there?

3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 15 total possible outcomes. You can 'prove' this by laying out a table of possibles where a user might tick the result of each game..... Match....1....2....3....4....5 Win......._...._...._...._...._ Lose......_...._...._...._...._ Draw....._...._...._...._...._

What role does the Central Limit Theorem play in evaluation of the confidence level or hypothesis testing?

Without getting into the mathematical details, the Central Limit Theorem states that if you take a lot of samples from a certain probability distribution, the distribution of their sum (and therefore their mean) will be approximately normal, even if the original distribution was not normal. Furthermore, it gives you the standard deviation of the mean distribution: it's σn1/2. When testing a statistical hypothesis or calculating a confidence interval, we generally take the mean of a certain number of samples from a population, and assume that this mean is a value from a normal distribution. The Central Limit Theorem tells us that this assumption is approximately correct, for large samples, and tells us the standard deviation to use.

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Is it normal to bleed a lot if you leave the two month injection

Is it normal to bleed a lot after taking a pill to stop your pregnancy?

A pill to stop your pregnancy means you had an abortion.It is very normal to bleed a lot during an abortion, this is the pregnancy expelling itself.

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Take it to the vet and get her checked out

Is it normal to lose 100 hairs a day?

I remember a someone saying that u lose a lot more than that in a week. So I think it's normal

Will you die if you eat glass?

yes. it could cut your insides and do some damage. It could make you bleed loads and you will lose a lot of blood and Die.

Is it normal to bleed a lot even when you don't have your period in another two weeks?

No, it's not, unless you miscalculated the arrival of your period. See a doctor.

I lost my virginity 4 days ago and bled a lot and spotted. After the spotting stopped I decided to have sex again but started bleeding again. How long do I have to wait to have sex and not bleed a lot?

When I decided to have sex again I started bleeding during forplay we didn't even get to having sex.

Is it normal to lose a lot of hair per day when dieting?

No it is not normal. You should speak to a doctor or something to find out what is going on because that is definatly not normal. Maybe for your body it is though....

Do ducks bleed a lot when its born?

Ducks are hatched out of eggs and no, they do not bleed.

Did Chris Brown lose his virginity?

No he is not. No he isnt. U CAN TEL HE ISNT BY HIS SONG ''TAKE U DOWN''...

Do you think it would be a good idea to lose my virginity to someone who is a good mate- but not a lover- and so won't be negative or mean-or should i hold out for a boyfriend who may dump me and brag?

It's not like your life should involve only either or. Don't lose your virginity until you WANT to, and lose it with a guy (or girl!) who you REALLY REALLY LIKE if not LOVE. Also, you should wait until age 18 if at all possible. Seriously. You will just know yourself a lot better the older you are.

Is it normal to only bleed for a day when you first get your period?

yes because when youre on your period you dont bleed constantly it starts and stops but dont take your pad off because you will start bleeding again and it may get on you clothes