A score of 107 is a little above the average IQ score of 100.
Yes, that is above average for an IQ score. A person with an IQ between 90 and 110 is considered average.
It's genius.
The average IQ for anyone is 100. An IQ of 115 would be considered above average.
An IQ score of 50 would indicate Mild or Moderate Retardation
Robert L. Williams scored a perfect score of 162 on his IQ test.
It is well above the average. It would qualify them for membership in MENSA.
An IQ score of 122 is an above average IQ score. It is, thus, a good score.
The average IQ is 100. 135 is an Excellent IQ score
An IQ score of 97 is just below average.
Yes, a score of 111 is a good IQ score for a 12 year old.
The average score on an IQ test is about 100. If you score higher than that, your score will be above average.
The average score on an IQ test is about 100. If you score higher than that, your score will be above average.
The average score is 100, so you have an average IQ. http://www.mensa.org.uk/iq-levels/
125 is a good IQ score for anyone. Your IQ changes very little over your lifetime. 100 is average IQ.