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There is no automated way of calculating the TP,TN,FP,& FN. You have to determing them manually or atleast the TP. What you can do is create a hash table and enter all the true matches or the true positives. You can then call the hash table in a hash map and detemine the accuracy of your output that's what i did for my paper. Hope this helps

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Q: In data mining how do you count True Positive False Negative False Positive and True Negative in a confusion matrix with more than two classes?
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A determinant is defined for square matrices only.To find the determinant of the matrix you need to:find all n-tuples of elements of the matrix such that each row and each column of the matrix is represented.calculate the product of the elements.calculate the sign for that term. To see how this is done, see below.calculate the sum of the signed products: that is the determinant.To calculate the sign for the product of the n-tuple, arrange the elements in row order. Swap the elements, two at a time, to get them in column order. If the number of swaps required is even then the product is assigned a positive sign, and if odd then a negative sign.