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No. Even though there is a greater chance that the one who did is the father. But because of pre-ejaculate which can carry sperm, it is possible to get pregnant even if he didn't cum inside of you.

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Q: If one guys comes in you and the other one doesn't can you assume the one that did is the father?
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How many observations to assume a Normal distribution?

32 if you sample is a random sample. Other methods look at the shape of the data and how skewed it is.

What is the probability that a heterozygous father and a recessive mother with have offspring that are dominant?

25% or 1 out of 4 (You can use a Punnett Square for that and/or other questions like it.)

What is a continuous random variable?

In the simplest setting, a continuous random variable is one that can assume any value on some interval of the real numbers. For example, a uniform random variable is often defined on the unit interval [0,1], which means that this random variable could assume any value between 0 and 1, including 0 and 1. Some possibilities would be 1/3, 0.3214, pi/4, e/5, and so on ... in other words, any of the numbers in that interval. As another example, a normal random variable can assume any value between -infinity and +infinity (another interval). Most of these values would be extremely unlikely to occur but they would be possible. The random variable could assume values of 3, -10000, pi, 1000*pi, e*e, ... any possible value in the real numbers. It is also possible to define continue random variables that assume values on the entire (x,y) plane, or just on the circumference of a circle, or anywhere that you can imagine that is essentially equivalent (in some sense) to pieces of a real line.

A woman is chosen at random among all woman who have two children She is asked if she has at least one son and says yes. What is the probability of here other child being a boy?

Children's genders are not independent and therefore there is no simple answer. However, if you do assume that their genders are independent then the probability is 1/3.

Can you have some crime statistics?

Your question is confusing, "Can you have some crime statistics?" I don't really understand the question, but if I assume you're asking where you can get statistics on crimes in the United States, one of the places is the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Also, if you type into your browser window "crime statistics" there are other websites where you can go to do your research.

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