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If all data fall between 3 Sigma levels, what percentage of the product is acceptable -- defect free?

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Q: If all data fall between 3 Sigma levels what percentage of the product is acceptable -- defect free?
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If the probability of a defect is 0.015 what is the probability of not having a defect?

1-.015 = .985

What is difference between regression and confirmation testing?

confirmation testing or Re-Testing: After a defect is detected and fixed, the software should be retested to confirm that the original defect has been successfully removed. This is called Confirmation Testing or Re-TestingRegression testing: Testing your software application when it undergoes a code change to ensure that the new code has not affected other parts of the software.

What is the probability that exactly 2 have some kind of defect?

The probability is determined by the binomial distribution. We consider p = probability of defect, q = probability of not defect, n = sample size, and x= number of defects in sample, in this case x=2. We calculate the probability as P(X = x) = n!/[(n-x)! x!] pxqn-x If sample size = 10 and p = 0.1 then: P(x= 2) = 10!/(8!x2!)(0.1)2(0.9)8 = 0.1937 You can find more about the binomial distribution under Wikipedia. It is important also to note the assumptions when using this distribution. It must be a random sample and the probability of defects is known.

Which of the following are examples of inferential statistics?

Testing random samples of wild animals to decide whether they are healthy Testing 1 in 10 of a company's products to determine that they are defect-free

What is the difference between histograms and bar graphs?

"A Pareto chart may look at first glance like a histogram, but there are two key differences. The first is that the x variable is categorical rather than numerical. For instance, the x variable may be type of defect. The second difference is that the bars are arranged in decreasing order of frequency."More at:

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What is the difference between Defect and Defective?

A defective product has a defect: "My phone is defective" "What defect does it have?" "The defect is that the screen is broken" To defect can also mean to switch sides e.g. from an army or a political party

What is product defect?

Any characteristic of a product that hinders its use for its intended purpose is a product defect. The defect can cause a product to be dangerous or useless.

Will the shower doors that I buy online fit right?

If it is a manufacture defect from the product, then yes it should be refunded. If it is a fit or style issue then it will be returned with a percentage for restocking and shipping charges.

What is Formula for residual defect density in QA?

The formula for residual defect density in QA is: Residual Defect Density = (Number of defects remaining after a phase / Size of the phase). It is used to measure the effectiveness of defect removal in a particular phase of the software development process.

What do you understand by severity and priority of a defect?

Severity and Priority are the attributes of a defect. If we talk about 'Severity of a defect' then it describes how the defect is impacting the functionality of software product whereas 'Priority of a defect' indicates the importance of the defect and when it should be addressed or fixed.In the software project, the severity of a defect should be defined by QA whereas the priority should be defined by Product Owner.Severity of the defect can be categorized into four levels: blocker, critical, major & minor. Similarly, Priority of the defect can be high, medium & low.An organization that provides software testing services needs to ensure that while opening defects, each defect should be assigned with right severity. Incorrect severity and priority mapping will impact overall STLC process and the whole product.

How do attorneys help get full compensation for product liability?

By suing the company that made a product with a defect.

What is zero defect manufacturing?

A proven manufacturing process that produces a specific product with absolutely no defects either in quality or performance. Zero defect basically is a ideal case, put forward by Philip Crosby. Some argue that zero defects is an unrealistic target and other managment systems strive for acceptable defects such as those found in "six sigma".

How can you use the word defect in a sentence?

As a verb: Many people chose to defect rather than live under Communist rule.As a noun: If there is a manufacturing defect, take it back to the store to exchange.

What is zero Defect?

A proven manufacturing process that produces a specific product with absolutely no defects either in quality or performance. Zero defect basically is a ideal case, put forward by Philip Crosby. Some argue that zero defects is an unrealistic target and other managment systems strive for acceptable defects such as those found in "six sigma".

What the medical term for been born with a hole in her heart?

The term 'hole-in-the-heart' usually means that there is a defect in the wall between two of the heart's chambers. If the defect is between the atria the condition is called an atrial septal defect or ASD and if the hole between the ventricles is known as a ventricular septal defect or VSD.

What is defect detection?

During the manufacturing process, once the product is finished, a quality control process is usually followed where defects are detected--hence defect detection.

What is the percentage of babies with a defect?

About half of the population is born with genetic defects....1/3 of us dont know it..