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Q: How would a std show up?
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Yes how would it not show up

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No oxycontin is an opiate an will show up as such.

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Ativan would show up on a drug test that is testing for benzodiazepines.

How do you write a program that allows the user to enter any number of strings that will then be encoded decoded and then displayed to the console?

#include<iostream> #include<string> #include<vector> std::string encode (const std::string&); std::string decode (const std::string&); int main () { std::vector<string> strings; std::cout<<"Enter as many strings as you like (end with an empty string)\n"; while (true) { std::string input; std::cout<<"Enter a string: "; std::getline (std::cin, input); if (input.empty()) break; strings.push_back (encode (input)); } std::cout<<"You entered the following strings:\n"; for (auto s : strings) std::cout<<decode (s)<<std::endl; } Note that it is not possible to show the implementation details of the encode and decode functions since it is not clear from the question what the purpose of these functions is.

How do you write a C plus plus program to read records from an external file and show on the screen?

#include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<string> struct record { std::string title; std::string artist; }; std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const record& r) { return os << r.title << '\n' << r.artist; } std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& is, record& r) { getline (is, r.title); getline (is, r.artist); return is; } int main() { std::ofstream ofs; ("test", std::ios::binary); record out1 {"Master of Puppets", "Metallica"}; record out2 {"Permanent Waves", "Rush"}; ofs << out1 << std::endl; ofs << out2 << std::endl; ofs.close(); std::ifstream ifs; ("test", std::ios::binary); record in1, in2; ifs >> in1 >> in2; ifs.close(); std::cout << "Record 1:\n" << in1 << std::endl; std::cout << "Record 2:\n" << in2 << std::endl; }