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I'm 13 and i weight 32 (my height in 5ft 1). am i under weight?

and i just wanted to know how to grow taller, i haven't yet hit my growth spurt but it had hit something else...

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Q: How much should a 5ft 1in 13 year old weigh?
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What is the average hight of a 13 year old?

Umm like I have kno idea. I just think it depends on your parents. My mom is 5ft 1in and my dad is 5ft 10in. and the docter subtracted 5 in. from my dad and i would be from 5ft 1in-5ft 5in.Well anyway i think the average height is maybe about 5ft-5ft 7inI hope this kinda help

What is probability in risk management?

A probability is an estimation of how likely an event is to happen. Looking at various statistics one can give an "event" (say a river flooding an area) a score of how often in a set "period" (of say 100 years) the event will happen. - 1in 100 , 10 in 100, etc. This is the likelihood of this risk and will help inform decisions as to how to prioritise this risk (among many others that may affect people or a project).

Development of Statistics?

Before 16001560s(published 1663) - Cardano'sLiber de ludo aleae attempts to calculate probabilities of dice throws1577- Bartolomé_de_Medina defends Catholic_probabilism, the view that in ethics one may follow a probable opinion even if the opposite is more probable17th century1654- Blaise_Pascaland Pierre_de_Fermatcreate the mathematical theory of Probability,1657- Christiaan_Huygens'sDe ratiociniis in ludo aleae is the first book on mathematical probability,1662- John_Graunt'sNatural and Political Observations Made upon the Bills of Mortality makes inferences from statistical data on deaths in London,1693- Edmund_Halleyprepares the first Mortality_tablestatistically relating death rate to age18th century1710- John_Arbuthnotargues that the constancy of the ratio of male to female births is a sign of divine providence,1713- Posthumous publication of Jacob_Bernoulli'sArs_Conjectandi, containing the first derivation of a Law_of_large_numbers,1724- Abraham_de_Moivrestudies mortality statistics and the foundation of the theory of Annuities on Lives,1733- Abraham de Moivre introduces the Normal_distributionto approximate the Binomial_distributionin probability,1739- David_Hume'sTreatise_of_Human_Natureargues that Inductive_reasoningis unjustified,1761- Thomas_Bayesproves Bayes'_theorem,1786- William_Playfair'sCommercial and Political Atlas introduces Line_chartand Bar_chartof data,19th century1801- Gausspredicts the orbit of Ceresusing a line of best fit1805- Adrien-Marie_Legendreintroduces the Method_of_least_squaresfor fitting a curve to a given set of observations,1814- Laplace'sEssai philosophique sur les probabilités defends a definition of probabilities in terms of equally possible cases, introduces Generating_functionand Laplace_transform, uses Conjugate_priorfor Exponential_families, proves an early version of the Bernstein von-Mises theorem on the asymptotic irrelevance of prior distributions on the limiting posterior distribution and the role of the Fisher_informationon asymptotically normal posterior modes.1835- Adolphe_Quetelet'sTreatise on Man introduces social science statistics and the concept of the "average man",1866- John_Venn'sLogic of Chance defends the Frequentistof probability.1883- Charles_Sanders_Peirceoutlines Frequentist_statistics, emphasizing the use of objective Randomizationin Randomized_experimentand in Sampling_(statistics). Peirce also invented an Optimal_designfor Response_surface_methodology.1880- Thorvald_N._Thielegives a mathematical analysis of Brownian_motion, introduces the Likelihood_function, and invents Cumulant.1888- Galtonintroduces the concept of Correlation20th century1900- Louis_Bachelieranalyzes Stock_pricemovements as a Stochastic_process,1908- Student's_t-distributionfor the mean of small samples published in English (following earlier derivations in German).1921- Keynes' Treatise on Probability defends a logical interpretation of probability,1928- Leonard_Henry_Caleb_Tippettand Ronald_Fisher'sintroduce Extreme_value_theory,1933- Andrey_Nikolaevich_Kolmogorovpublishes his book Basic notions of the calculus of probability (Grundbegriffe der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung) which contains an Probability_axiombased on Measure_theory,1935- Ronald_Fisher'sDesign of Experiments (1st ed),1937- Jerzy_Neymanintroduces the concept of Confidence_intervalin statistical testing,1946- Cox's_theoremderives the axioms of probability from simple logical assumptions,1948- Claude_Shannon'sMathematical_Theory_of_Communicationdefines capacity of communication channels in terms of probabilities,1953- Nicholas_Metropolisintroduces the idea of thermodynamic Simulated_annealingmethods21st Century2003- E.T._Jaynes'sProbability Theory: The Logic of Science defends probability theory as a comprehensive method of evaluation of evidence2009- David_X._Li'sCopulaformula blamed as one cause of the Late_2000s_recession

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If you are 13 years old and you are 5ft 1in tall how much should you weigh?

I am 12. I am 5"2'. I weigh 107. Hope this helps

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You should weight 103 pounds A2: The number should not matter. What should matter is if you are comfortable in your own skin. The reference tables in the doctors' office that tells you how much you should way are ridiculous. I tried weighing that number, I ended up looking sick and disgusting. Everyone is built differently and that table does not reflect that. As long as you are not morbidly obese or very overweight with lots of medical problems, be happy.

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