

Best Answer

The AVERAGE is 5'5" and 123 pounds. You can look up height and weight charts to see what the recommended weight is for your height. However, keep in mind that people grow at different rates and there may be a mismatch of weight to height for a period of time. If you are too heavy, like everyone else you should increase your level of activity and reduce intake of non-nutritious foods.

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Q: How much should a 15 year old boy weigh?
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How much should a 13 year old boy weigh if they are 5'9?

U should weigh about 115 pounds.

How much does a 10 year old boy weigh?

Well a ten year old boy should probably weigh between 75 and 92 pounds.He should probably weigh 82 pounds.

How much should a 14 year old boy waight?

There really is no specific limit to how much a fourteen year old boy should weigh. It depends on how tall you are, because if you were 5' 9", you should weigh more than a fourteen year old boy who is 5' 2".

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i'm a 5'2 12 year old boy and I weigh 100 pounds.

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About 36 pounds

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How much should a12 year old boy weigh?

he should weigh in the range of 90 to 110 give or take a few pounds

How much should a 12 year old boy weigh and eat?

If you are 12 years old, you should weigh about 112 to 115 LBS.

How much should a 5 year old boy weigh?

usually 19-23 kgs.