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Q: How likely is it to fall pregnant if a guy cuns on your cagina?
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Why there is probability of getting hurt when you fall from certain height?

If you fall from any given height, whether or not you get hurt will depend on a large number of factors: what you fall on, how you fall, whether or not there was something that broke your fall on the way down and so forth.

What is the probability of dying from jumping off a building?

This question cannot be answered. The height of the building is what matters in this, and also how one hits the ground. If you 'land' feet first, you might survive with serious injuries. If you 'land' on your head you will most likely die immediately. If the building is anything over 25 feet you will most likely die. --- Jumping off is not the problem - it's the sudden stop that does the damage. Base-jumpers 'fall' off buildings regularly and live, even from enormous heights - they have parachutes. And stuntmen fall off buildings and out high windows and live because they either land on piled up cardboard boxes or into a swimming pool of have some other way of cushioning their impact.

What is a Sequential fall?

In a fall arrest system, typically a horizontal lifeline, a sequential fall occurs when two or more workers are connected to the same span of the horizontal lifeline and one worker falls. His / her fall causes deflection in the lifeline which pulls off the second worker and any other workers connected to the lifeline.

What percentage of data values of a normal distribution will fall within one standard deviation below the mean?

34.1% of the data values fall between (mean-1sd) and the mean.

An example of correlation?

All heroin addicts drank milk as children. Direct correlation: The more snow, the more mud. Indirect correlation: The more leaves fall from the trees in fall the less the temperature

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It is unlikely unles you have an iregular period The most likely time to fal pregnant is half way through your cycle when yo ovulate and about the 4 days before and a 3 days after that.

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No, she did not fall pregnant with Alexander Cameron. She remained a virgin throughout her life.

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It should not take more than a month for you to fall pregnant if both partners are okay.

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Withdrawal DOESN'T work. You'll get pregnant!

After you have had your tubes tied can you fall pregnant?

No, you can not get pregnant after having it done. Remember, once done this can not be undone.