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you should ALWAYS use a condom, even if you are on the pill. if you have unprotected sex there is a really good chance you will get pregnant.

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Q: How likely are you to get pregnant when you are 14 and have unprotected sex?
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Is it more or less likely to get pregnant while on your period?

Less likely, but still possible. A woman can only get pregnant if she has sex either during ovulation or up to a week before ovulation when there is fertile quality cervical mucus present - this helps keep the sperm alive for up to 7 days and helps it to swim up through the cervical opening. During an average 28 day cycle a woman will be fertile between days 7-16 (ovulation on day 14, there can be a viable egg present for up to 48 hours) - by the time a woman menstruates the egg from the last cycle is long dead, and she cannot ovulate during menstruation. However if a woman's menstrual cycle is short she may ovulate soon after menstruation, thus if she was to have sex during her period sperm could survive up to 7 days, by which time she may have ovulated and thus she may get pregnant.

What is the probability of getting pregnant if sperm come out?

Depends on how far along the woman is in her monthly cycle of menstruation and ovulation. Women are most fertile two days before through two days after they ovulate, which occurs approximately 14 days after their last menstrual cycle. However, sperm has been said to survive up to 72 hours after coitus (sex). Even if a man does not ejaculate (i.e. "pulls out"), sperm is still released during sex, in the form of pre-ejaculate (which occurs during coitus and is virtually undetectable by either partner). Therefore, you CAN get a girl pregnant even if you pull out, and there is a good week or more that she can easily get pregnant out of each month--and that week is actually harder to pin down than just counting calendars.

What is the estimation of 546 divided by 14?

560/14 = 40

How many minutes are in 14 years?

There are 7358400 minutes in 14 years.

What is greater 14 lb or 229 oz?

14 lbs is greater

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You had your period 13days ago had unprotected sex day after period and three days after that can you be pregnant when can i take a hpt?

You can take a pregnancy test 14 days after you had sex

Can a girl of 14 get pregnant by having sec just once?

Absolutely. If you have entered puberty and have unprotected sex there is always a risk regardless of age.

Bright red spotting 14 days after period?

Some women experience some spotting at ovulation. If you had unprotected sex in the days leading up to the 14th day, you could be pregnant. Have a test done if your period doesn't come or you had unprotected sex and are worried.

If your Ovulation Date was the 16th and you are due for your period on the 1st of the next month what is the earliest you can find out if you are pregnant?

You can take the test 10-14 days after the unprotected sex.

Can you becaome pregnatn at 14 years old?

Yes, you can become pregnant when you are 14 years old. If a girl has started having her monthly periods then having unprotected sex may result in a pregnancy.

Im 14 yrs old i stoped my birth control for about a week and then took a pill the night before i had unprotected sex.. i had sex 2 days after my period can i be pregnant?

I hate to break it to you......get an appointment for an abortion.

Unprotected sex for the first time can you get pregnantif she was 14 and he was 13?

its not necessary dat u got pregnent its depend on menstrul cycle of gal.......AnswerYes, especially if it was unprotected sex.

Pregnancy 14 weeks after husbands vasectomy?

Oh yes, highly likely. Men need to be rechecked by urologist and have a zero sperm count before having unprotected sex.

You had regular sex after 14 Nov and you had your period on 1 Nov what are the chances of being pregnant and now you have a period on 1 Dec still there is achance of pregnancy or not?

The normal Cycle is 28 days long. You start your period on day 1, then ovulate, or produce an egg on day 14 and over the next 14 days, ie. from day 14 to day 28 you have a chance to fertilise that egg with sperm and go on to produce a baby. The first day of your next period is the start of your body shedding the unfertilised egg so normally this would mean that you had not become pregnant during that cycle. If you had regular unprotected sex after day 14 until your next period then this is your most fertile time and the time when you are most likely to become pregnant. The egg has been produced and it is sitting there waiting to be fertilised.The safest time to have unprotected sex in terms of becoming pregnant is from day 1 to day 10 of your cycle. Although you produce an egg on day 14, if you have had sex within three days of this, the sperm can survive inside you and be there to meet the egg when it is produced.

Could you become pregnant if your last period started on December 10 through December 14 and you had unprotected sex on December 31?

yes you most def. can that's a couple weeks after the fact of your monthly your femaleness is up and running and ready to get pregnant be careful

When can you get pregnant when your last period was end of march?

You can get pregnant any time you have sex regardless of when your period was. To find the most likely time when you will get pregnant count back 14 days from the first day of your last period. One month from that day is the most likely time to get pregnant.

What does it mean if you get your period 14 days after you got off one?

kso , i know it was stupid , but i had sex with out being on birth control or anything.. and i got my period , so i think it is, but i was reading sometime you do bleed 8 days after you have unprotected sex.. so does this mean i am pregnant ?