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Unfortunately it is still effective. Once you make the decision to have it done, it's made permanent.

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Q: How effective is a vasectomy after 10 years?
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Your husband had a vasectomy 7 years ago is there a chance you could get pregnant you have a lot of pregnancy systems right now?

Vastectomies can be reversed, but it isn't 100% effective.

If you had a tubal ligation done 10-12 years ago and your husband had a vasectomy at the same time how common is it to become pregnant?

It happened to my mom and step dad. My mom had a tubal done 11 years ago (at the time it happened) and my stepdad had a visectomy done 13 years ago(from the time it happened). A vasectomy is not considered 100% effective and the doctors told my mom after 10 years tubes can come untied. And that's how my little half sister got here. Remember, nothing is ever considered 100% effective, weird huh?

What are your chances of being pregnant if your husband had a vasectomy around 5 years ago and you haven't had a period in 4 to 5 months?

If the vasectomy was performed properly, it is generally considered to be extremely effective. There is, however, a chance that it didn't "take".

Your husband had a vasectomy 5 years ago is it still possible to get pregnant?

Yes it is possible for you to get pregnant. That is why they say it is 99.9% effective there is always a possibility and I have seen it happen

How many pounds are you allowed to lift after a vasectomy?

10 to 15 lbs max i just got a vasectomy

Why is vasectomy an effective method of birth control in males?

Because if there is no sperm in the ejaculate there is no fertilization.

Why is a vasectomy very effective in preventing a female to get pregnant?

A vasectomy involves cutting or sealing the vas deferens tubes that carry sperm from the testicles. This prevents sperm from being ejaculated during sex, reducing the chance of fertilizing a female's egg. It is a highly effective form of permanent contraception.

Your doctor has told you you have had a miscarriage even tho your partner has had a vasectomy 2 years ago Is this possible?

no, unless vasectomy was reversed at some point (an OR nurse)

He had a vasectomy 8 years ago his wife got pregnant and the baby is now 8 months old and he just was tested to see if it failed is it possible to see if his sperm leaked since its been 17 months?

It is possible that the vasectomy was not effective, or it occassionally will heal itself. A doctor's office can test his ejaculate and see if it contains sperm.

Is cherifer pgm 10-22 effective for 19 years old?


Has anyone ever heard of a 36yr old becoming pregnant when their husband has had a vasectomy for the last 15 years?

Although it's rare for a vasectomy to "reverse" on its own, it has happened.

What can my husband do to be more fertile if he had a vasectomy 13 years ago and the doctor said there is only a 5 percent chance of us getting pregnant?

If the vasectomy was done properly, there should not even be a 5% chance of getting pregnant, as this procedure is the most effective way of preventing pregnancy short of a hysterectomy or abstinence. The best thing to do is to have your husband see his physician and have a semenalysis performed, where they can determine whether or not he has any sperm in his ejaculate. Often after a vasectomy, the body recognizes sperm as a foreign substance and "attacks" it with antibodies; this is why vasectomy reversals don't work a good deal of the time. ! Dr. B.