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An example would be a car showroom, where a bar graph may show yearly sales split into months. Assuming that 55 cars were sold in May, then the May column would be filled in with colour up to the level marking 55. Anyone looking at the bar graph would instantly see that 55 cars were sold in May. And the same goes for all the other months.

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Q: How can data be recorded on a bar graphs?
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What are bar graphs for?

bar graphs are for measuring points of data.

What type of graphs use categorical data?

bar graphs use categorical data

What are the meaning of bar graphs line graphs pie graphs in tagalog?

Bar graph - "talaang bar" or "areglong bar" Line graph - "graing linya" or "larawang linya" Pie graph - "bilog na grap" or "parihabaing grap"

What Tree types of graphs to display data?

line graphs, bar graphs,and circle

How are bar graphs and picture graphs alike?

Both bar graphs and picture graphs show statistics (data) in a visual (graphic) form.

What are 2 graphs that compare 2 sets of data?

Bar graphs can compare two sets of data, as well as line graphs and circle graphs. To better improve my answer, double line graphs and double bar graphs compare two sets of data. Circle graphs cannot however, because they compare parts of a whole instead of, as a bar graph would, the amount of something. A circle graph is also incapable of showing data growth over a period of time, as line graphs do. All in all, circle graphs cannot compare to sets of data, and bar graphs and line graphs must be doubled to do so.

Do bar graphs represent data?

sometimes they can

Why bar graphs are useful for comparing data?

bar graphs are useful for comparing data b/c you cn actually see what the difference is between them.

What is are the differences between circle graphs line graphs and bar graphs?

Circle graphs show data in a circle, while line graphs are akin to join the dots, and a bar graph shows data in vertical or horizontal bars, but all three show the same data results.

How are line bar and pie graphs the same?

They both show a set of data. Line graphs show data over time. Pie graphs show percentages in data.

Why do you use bar graphs?

to show the result of data

Why can bar graphs be converted to line graphs?

They can both show the same data. You can use quantitative or categorical data with both of them.