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Q: Discuss the difference between quality and reliability?
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Which drives are known for reliability?

Asus is know for their quality and reliability.

What are the differences between validity and reliability?

validity is whether the results are valid so the data has no mistakes of as such in it whereas reliability is the dependability; when the results you have are accurate and are of enough quality.

What is the difference between quality and a skill?

the difference between a quality and a skill is that a quality refects the person characteristics and lifestyle where as a skill represents their work and abilities

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What is Reliablity?

In GPSs, reliability is the quality of the connection you have to GPS satellites.

What has the author Alessandro Birolini written?

Alessandro Birolini has written: 'Quality and reliability of technical systems' -- subject(s): Reliability (Engineering), Quality control

Whats the difference between top quality chocolate and poor quality chocolate?

The Spelling ;)

What is the difference between Quality and Accuracy?

accuracy is the how well it is done. Quality is what something is worth.

Is there a difference in quality between cookie mixes and premade dough in the refridgerator aisle?

There is not a quality difference. The only difference is that the premade dough does not need eggs and butter added to it.

What is the difference between quantity and quality?

same as quantity is something of everything and quality is everything of something

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