Marginal Stable is nothing but neutrally stable it means that the object will come back to original state even the external forces are acting on it but in different position.
good question.
In a daily temp. average, there is high and low, also the term mean temperature. Define mean temperature.
If f(x, y) is the joint probability distribution function of two random variables, X and Y, then the sum (or integral) of f(x, y) over all possible values of y is the marginal probability function of x. The definition can be extended analogously to joint and marginal distribution functions of more than 2 variables.
The marginal probability distribution function.
Blended ARPU is comprised of both Postpaid and Prepaid ARPU.
explain the difference between total utility and marginal utility
define the term "electromegnetism".
i beat my houn back and forth
It May Be Called as "Marginal Cost"
It May Be Called as "Marginal Cost"
of, relating to, or situated at a margin or border
define the term sound
if the situation of perfect competition prevails in the economy then reward to each factor will equal to its productivity
= Define the term map as used in engineering drawing?" =
the study of currency
What term?
There is no established psychological definition of "marginal personality." It may be a term used colloquially or in specific contexts outside of mainstream psychological literature.