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Q: Contrast the differences between quanlitative and quantitative variables?
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Compare and contrast quantitative and qualitative?

quantitative = numbers qualitative = not numbers (e.g. gender, state, ...)

Compare and contrast quantitative and qualitative data?

quantitative = numbers qualitative = not numbers (e.g. gender, state, ...)

What does campare and contrast mean?

Compare means to identify similarities between two or more things, while contrast means to identify differences between them. When you compare and contrast, you are examining both the similarities and differences in order to highlight key distinctions.

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Compare and contrast relationship and function?

compare & contrast the similarities & differences of a relation & function

What does compare and contrast means?

compare and contrast mean the equalities and differences between what you are comparing and contrasting.

Compare experimental and non experimental methods in psychology?

Experimental methods involve manipulating variables to establish cause-and-effect relationships, while non-experimental methods focus on observing and describing behavior without intervention. Experimental methods provide stronger evidence for causation, but may be more artificial, while non-experimental methods are more naturalistic but may lack control over variables. Both approaches have their own strengths and limitations depending on the research question.

What does the word contrast and compare mean?

compare means what two things have in common. contrast are the differences things have.

What dose contrast mean?

To find the differences of two things.

What does compair and contrast mean?

"Compare" means to identify similarities between two or more things, while "contrast" means to identify differences. When you are asked to compare and contrast, you are being prompted to discuss both the similarities and differences between the subjects in question.

Compare and contrast quantitative and qualitative Explain how both types of information are important to biological studies?

Quantitative data may be used to make a graph or table. Qualitative is easier to explain with numbers or a written description.

Is contrast a verb?

Yes contrast is a verb. the definition of contrast is to compare in order to show unlikeness or differences; note the opposite natures, purposes, etc., of: Contrast the political rights of Romans and Greeks.