/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ is the line
A "break"
a double line graph is a graph that is same as a line graph but there are two lines
a bar graph is a graph that displays data using bars and a line graph is a graph that displays data in a line
A continuous graph that shows change over time.
/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ is the line
A "break"
A jagged line on a graph's axis, or the scale, is called a break and represents a 'skip' in the scaling to higher values.
i think its called a break. :]
its actually called "a break".
line graph x line graph = divided line graph
no because the broken line graph is a line graph that is broken da!
a double line graph is a graph that is same as a line graph but there are two lines
a bar graph is a graph that displays data using bars and a line graph is a graph that displays data in a line
A continuous graph that shows change over time.
A line graph is a line plotted on a 4 quadrant graph. A line plot is a graph that plots values on a graph !
A line graph.A line graph.A line graph.A line graph.