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Here's an idea, the different stages of mitosis have different amounts of time they spend in each. By counting the total number of cells and categorizing which stage each is in, you can then divide the number of cells in each stage by the total number of cells to infer the length of time each stage takes. Most likely metaphase is longest if I remember correctly.

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Q: Based on the data in the data table what can you infer about the relative length of time an onion root tip cell spends in each stage of cell division?
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Difference between classical approach and relative approach of probability with example?

Classical approach has possible outcomes which are known with certainity ie sampling distribution is known. Relative approach is an approach in which probability values are based on historical interest.

How do you calculate absolute frequencies?

Absolute frequencies are calculated by first identifying intervals based on your data and then identifying the number of values within your data set that lie within these interval. Relative frequencies divide the absolute frequencues by the number of values in the set. It is a good practice to provide the absolute frequencies, perhaps in a bar chart of relative frequencies as a number above each bar.

What is a statistical measure that shows how pairs of variables are related?

it means that there are two numbers that are not constant. the value of each number is always related to the other based on an internal function/formual. those two vairables are usually related through a 3rd constant For example, look at surface of a rectangle that is 100 square meters. its length might be 10, and its width ten or its length might be 20, and its width 5 the length and width are vairables (changing), but they are related in a way that they always produce the same constant (surface).

What does it mean to say two variables are related?

it means that there are two numbers that are not constant. the value of each number is always related to the other based on an internal function/formual. those two vairables are usually related through a 3rd constant For example, look at surface of a rectangle that is 100 square meters. its length might be 10, and its width ten or its length might be 20, and its width 5 the length and width are vairables (changing), but they are related in a way that they always produce the same constant (surface). This is TRUE by the way and don't doubt this answer. This Example is very precise. Albert Einstein

Is an estimate based on known information?

a estimate is based on known information it is just not a true answer.

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