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Q: Are insurance companies most likely to use midrange computers to process information about millions of policyholders?
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Related questions

What are the duties of policyholders in mutual life insurance companies?

the policyholders elect the board of directors who run the company. In this way, mutual policyholders participate in the fiscal management of the company and share in decisions regarding mortality expense

What is MIB and center for life insurance?

MIB stands for Medical Information Bureau and was set up many years ago so that insurance companies have the ability to share medical information on their policyholders and applicants. It makes it more difficult for an applicant to give misleading medical information on the insurance application.

What is a Mutual Insurance?

A mutual insurance company is based on the way that the company is formed. Mutual companies are technically owned by the policyholders rather than stockholders. Most of the major mutual insurance companies have changed to being stock based companies. Metropolitan and Prudential are the largest two life insurance companies and both were mutual companies that changed to stock companies in the past few years. The policyholders that were the former owners of the company received shares of stock in exchange for their ownership positions.

Role of computers in life insurance companies?

Using computers helps underwriters analyze information in insurance applications to determine whether a risk is acceptable and will not result in a loss.

What specialty entities do agency and brokerage firms selling and servicing insurance policies encompass?

The industry offers services to insurance companies and to policyholders, such as independent claims adjusters, information bureaus, pension and retirement planning services, and research organizations

What services does a mutual insurance company perform?

A mutual insurance company offers similar services to other insurance companies, like home, auto, and life insurances. The differences is that a mutual insurance company is entirely owned by its policyholders.

What is some good home insurance companies in Florida?

You could try Premier Homeowner's Insurance, Security First Florida, or Florida Family Policyholders. All of these companies are easy to search for on the Internet and should be able to provide you with some quotes.

Where can one find more information on insurance settlements?

Insurance settlement information can be found within insurance companies policies. Insurance Companies will have all information about their insurance in a brochure or online.

Who owns Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company?

Nationwide Mutual is, as the name suggests, a mutual insurance company. This is in contrast to a "stock" insurance company. As such, the "owners" of this Nationwide entity are the policyholders. A stock insurance company is owned by shareholders, who do not have to policyholders of the company.

What are two insurance companies that offer motorcycle insurance?

Geico offers motorcycle insurance. According to their website, their customer service is rated 4.7 out of 5 by policyholders. Allstate also offers motorcycle insurance. According to their website, Allstate will offer up to 50% in discounts.

What companies sell car colission reports to consumers and insurance companies?

There is a company who supplies information to insurance companies called CLUE. This company gives insurance companies information on losses paid by all insurance companies and what type and amount of the claim was paid. CLUE also supplies companies with a variety of information. It gives information like people who had auto insurance at the same address as you have and people who were listed on insurance policies of you in the past like other household members or drivers.

How can you find more information about insurance quotes?

There are many companies and websites that offer information on their insurance and quotes. Some of these insurance companies are eSurance, Progressive and All State.