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The term 'ground zero' only has one meaning: the point on the earth's surface closest to a nuclear detonation. The area where the Twin Towers used to stand is called 'ground zero' precisely for this reason.

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Q: Why is the September 11 site called Ground Zero?
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What is ground zero September 11?

In relation to the September 11 attacks ground zero is the site where the World Trade Center once stood in Manhattan. Although there were impacts elsewhere this is where the majority of the damage and deaths occurred.

What is the symbolic importance of the Ground Zero site?

Ground Zero was meant to describe the location of the World Trade Center in New York City, which was destroyed on September 11, 2001 in terrorist attacks.

What is the site of the destroyed World Trade Centre in New York now called?

Ground Zero

Is Ground Zero the site of the Twin Towers?

Yes, the site of New York City's Twin Towers is nicknamed Ground Zero.

Why is the world trade center site called Ground Zero?

When the twin towers stood up straight, They were 110 floors high, but when they were attacked in 9/11, they fell to the ground which caused them to be nothing so they are called ground zero because of the destruction caused by the group Al queda

How far is the Twin Towers site from Park51?

Park51 is two blocks away from Ground Zero.

Who is trying to build the mosque near ground zero?

There is a plan by Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf to build an Islamic Community Center about two blocks outside of the ground zero site. The Community Center at 51 Park Place would be much closer to (for example) the New York Dolls Gentlemen's Club and the Dakota Roadhouse than to the Freedom Tower site. At 13 stories, the Community Center would be about 1/10 the height of Freedom Tower on the Ground Zero site.

How many people visit ground zero?

Ground Zero, the site of the September 11, 2001 attacks, sees approximately 4.5 million visitors annually. This includes tourists, family members of victims, and those paying their respects to the victims and the memorial.

Where is twin tower situated?

The Twin Towers (officially called the World Trade Center) were located in New York, NY, USA until, as most people are aware of, they were destroyed in a terrorist attack (more specifically, the 9/11 attacks) on September 11, 2001. A monument is currently being built at the site (known as Ground Zero) of the destroyed towers.

What was ground zero before?

Depends on WHICH Ground Zero you mean. That is a term for the physical location beneath where an atomic weapon explodes. The first was at the Trinity site about 35 miles (56 km) southeast of Socorro NM, at the new White Sands Proving Ground. It is now a park. The second and third ground zeros were the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

What are they building at ground zero?

Not ON ground zero but it is planned to be built 2 blocks away from the site. Also, technically, it's an Islamic cultural center. And everyone's freaking out about it, even though it wasn't the entire Muslim population that bombed the Trade Center.

WHat does the world center site look like now?

The United States World Trade Center Site, also known as "Ground Zero", has become the build site of the One World Trade Center, which is estimated to be completed in April of 2013.