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Q: Why do you can't put the flag on the ground?
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There are rule about flying the american flag?

It can never touch the ground if it does you have to burn it or we take your food!

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put him in the ground where he cant be found

What things do we not do to the US flag in respect?

we should not burn it and put on the ground or do something bad to it

How do you put the flag it the ground on club penuin?

Wear Nothing Except The Flag And Dance, or wear the orange helmet, the red climbing boots, blue climbing jacket and the flag and dance.

When was Flag in the Ground created?

Flag in the Ground was created on 2009-08-26.

What are some disrespectful thing you can do to the American flag?

You cant let the flag touch the ground or that is disrespect of the United States Of America......Never cut or rip the flag....... Always keep the flag in the light, if it is outside in the dark at night that means that our country has fallen........All the other flags have to be lower than the American Flag

What does the European flag look like?

its blue with a circle of stars and has an awsome look i shoukld put up a pik but i cant

Why do you need a flag?

you cant answer.

When was Raising the Flag at Ground Zero created?

Raising the Flag at Ground Zero was created in 2001.

Why should the American Flag never touch the ground?

For an American it is disrespectful to our wonderful country to let the flag touch the ground. Since the flag is a symbol of our freedom in the United States, we treat it like a person the proper way to rid of a flag that has touched the ground is to bury it. If you have ever heard the Star Spangled Banner, our national anthem, there is a part in it that says "And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there." The American Flag is a symbol of our PROUD, FREECOUNTRY, so we do not want it to touch the ground since it is considered sacred.Being that we walk on the ground, it is disrespectful for our pride, the American Flag, to be put on the ground. This leads back to the 8 Colonies that united under the Gadsden Flag with the 'Do not tread on me' rattle snake flag (a political cartoon drawn by Benjamin Franklin in 1751), the present 13 red and white stripes representing the 13 colonies, and the words "Don't Tread On Me". The Gadsden flag was flown in 1775 by the 1st Marines during the start of the Revolutionary War by the Marine Committee lead by Continental Colonel Christopher Gadsden representing his home state South Carolina. Pride is to be held high for everyone to see, not put on the ground to be walked on.This is all true.It's worth noting that in the British army touching the flag to the ground was a way of saluting the king. Not something a patriot would ever do with the US flag.It's considered disrespectful for the American flag to touch the ground.

How do you stop rain going down into soil?

You cant, unless you put a huge tarp down over the ground.

What should the US flag never touch?

The ground the ground