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Q: Who pays for congressional town hall meetings?
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How do you find out about various Town Hall meetings taking place on the Internet?

visit the Town Hall's website. and look for a link that says ''Town Hall Meetings''. Simple really.

Where are town meetings held?

new England town is where town meetings most prevalent

How are town hall meetings examples of direct democracy?

At town hall meetings, the citizens get to interface more directly with the politicians and take a more active role in their government.

What does the town hall do?

The town hall is like a city hall but for the people who inhabitat the town or city. City hall is government officials. Town is not for government officials.

Where is the town hall typically located in a city?

Town hall should be located in the center or the heart of the city or town, as it is where most of the meetings of the town will take place. Everybody in the town is invited to these meetings, and can voice their opinions on issues pertaining to the entire town like schools, play grounds, etc . It should be very intuitive where the town hall is located, it should be a landmark of the town, and centrally located.

How were the town meetings an example of direct democracy?

At town hall meetings, the citizens get to interface more directly with the politicians and take a more active role in their government.

What is the meaning of a Town Hall meeting on the Internet?

When we say town hall meeting, it is an informal public meeting derived from the traditional Town meetings of new england. Similarly to those meetings, everybody in a community is invited to attend, voice their oppinion, and hea their responses from public figure.

What was the purpose of town halls?

The hall may be used for council meetings and other significant events.

Was the basilica building in every roman town?

There was a basilica in almost every Roman town, as a basilica was an all purpose hall. They could be used for trade, meetings, trials or any other public gathering.There was a basilica in almost every Roman town, as a basilica was an all purpose hall. They could be used for trade, meetings, trials or any other public gathering.There was a basilica in almost every Roman town, as a basilica was an all purpose hall. They could be used for trade, meetings, trials or any other public gathering.There was a basilica in almost every Roman town, as a basilica was an all purpose hall. They could be used for trade, meetings, trials or any other public gathering.There was a basilica in almost every Roman town, as a basilica was an all purpose hall. They could be used for trade, meetings, trials or any other public gathering.There was a basilica in almost every Roman town, as a basilica was an all purpose hall. They could be used for trade, meetings, trials or any other public gathering.There was a basilica in almost every Roman town, as a basilica was an all purpose hall. They could be used for trade, meetings, trials or any other public gathering.There was a basilica in almost every Roman town, as a basilica was an all purpose hall. They could be used for trade, meetings, trials or any other public gathering.There was a basilica in almost every Roman town, as a basilica was an all purpose hall. They could be used for trade, meetings, trials or any other public gathering.

What did people do in town meetings?

What did people do in town meetings

What type and size were best for England town meetings?

The type and size of a room or hall that was best for England town meetings would be any size that accommodates the numbers of people attending the meetings. If it were a large number of people, and outdoors area would most likely be the best option.

When is Barbara Boxer having a townhall meeting?

When are Barbara Boxer & Dianne Feinstein having town hall meetings this summer?