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Q: Which term best describes a separate building or structure that is occupied jointly when specific space has been designated for the sole use of each of the occupants?
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A protective action taken when occupants take refuge inside an area of the building with no or few windows?

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Lightning conductors are installed in multiplex buildings to provide a safe path for lightning to travel down to the ground, protecting the building and its occupants from the destructive force of a lightning strike. Without a lightning conductor, there is a higher risk of damage to the building's structure, electrical systems, and potential safety hazards for occupants.

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The danger suggested by smoke puffing in and out of a structure is that it may indicate a fire inside the building. This situation can lead to a rapid spread of flames and make it difficult for occupants to escape. Immediate evacuation and contacting emergency services is essential.

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Their silhouettes are burned into the side of the building.

An edifice for dramatic performances meaning?

Edifice is a term that describes a building or structure. So, an edifice for dramatic performances would be a theater or cinema.

Why should a building structure be stable?

Some ways you can make a structure more stable is by: 1) Making the Base wider 2) Taper The Structure (Make the top skinny and the Base Wide) 3) Make the Base Heavier 4) Lower the Centre Of Gravity 5) Add more Support Points

What evidence is left of the occupants of the house in there will come soft rains?

Their silhouettes are burned into the side of the building.

What type of building absorbs the energy of seismic waves?

A base-isolated building is designed to absorb the energy of seismic waves through a series of dampers or isolators, which help to reduce the impact of ground motion on the structure. This technology helps to protect the building and its occupants during an earthquake.

Which term describes the structure directly below tissues in the hierarchical organization of life?

The term that describes the structure directly below tissues in the hierarchical organization of life is cells. Cells are the building blocks of tissues and are organized into tissues that perform specific functions within an organism.