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Q: Where is the accordion popular?
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Is the accordion really popular in France?

it was popular.... it is popular in other country's too!!!

Is the accordion is a Korean instrument?

No. The accordion was first invented in Germany in 1822. From there it became popular in many European countries such as Italy, France, Sweden, and Ireland, to name a few. The accordion also became popular in Latin American music, Canadian music, and Cajun music. It is even used in parts of Africa. To my knowledge, the accordion was never popular in Korea.

What music do you play the accordion with?

The accordion can be played in almost any kind of music such as jazz, rock, pop and of course traditional music. The accordion today has enjoyed a renewed interest worldwide in countries such as France, Italy, Ireland and the United States. The accordion is very popular in France where it has been played in French musette since the 1890s. Louisiana is the home of Cajun music where the accordion also plays a central role in this music genre.

What is an accordion player?

An accordion player - also known as an accordionist - is a musician who plays the accordion.

What is the difference between an accordion and a piano accordion?

A piano accordion has as mall piano keybored on the side of it whereas an normal accordion does not. I hope this helped!

When was the accordion invented?

The accordion was invented in 1829.

What is an accordion file?

An accordion file is a file for storing documents which opens by expanding, in the same manner as an accordion.

How long does it take to break in an accordion?

You don't "break in" an accordion. Chances are if your accordion is not working it is already broken

Where can you get accordion repair?

The best place to get your accordion repaired is from your local accordion repairer if possible. This may not always be the case and so your next best option is to try and contact the manufacturer of your accordion. Whatever you do, do not attempt to repair your accordion yourself if you're not sufficiently qualified as you could damage your accordion more. It is important to understand a few basics of accordion repair and if you look after your accordion properly it will not need a lot of repair work.

What else is the accordion known as?

The accordion is also known as the squeeze box.

When was Accordion Player created?

Accordion Player was created in 1888.

When was The Soul of the Accordion created?

The Soul of the Accordion was created in 1935.