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Q: When giving a presenation in large auditorium what is appropriate for gestures?
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What are some hand gestures?

Some common hand gestures include waving, pointing, giving a thumbs up, and making a peace sign. Hand gestures can vary widely in meaning across different cultures and social contexts.

What most help to establish a speaker tone when giving a speech?

nonverbal communication

What does giving the appropriate attention mean?

giving someone attention means being respectful , why listening to them

What is the difference from Emphasis and Gestures?

Emphasis refers to giving importance or highlighting a specific point in speech or writing. Gestures, on the other hand, involve using body movements or expressions to convey a message or add emphasis to communication. While emphasis is primarily through verbal means, gestures are nonverbal forms of communication.

Can Texas hoa's give gifts?

If the owners approve the budget with a 'gift' line item, then giving gifts is appropriate. Association's must be aware of conflicts of interest, so giving gifts to board members, for example, may not be appropriate.

Is it appropriate to give a gift to a person for Valentine day if he is not your boyfriend?

it depends on the person your giving it to

What is the legal ramification of someone giving you the finger?

There essentially are no legal ramifications. Gestures, including offensive ones, are considered speech and protected by the First Amendment, so a person cannot be prosecuted for this.

When giving CPR to a child age two to eight the appropriate number of compressions to breaths is?

30 compressions to 2 breaths

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Giving a Christmas ornament with a Christmas card can be appropriate when the ornament has personal meaning for example if a child made the ornament in Sunday school class.

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How do you tell a naughty nurse apart from a normal nurse?

lol, like in a hospital? She would be giving direct sexual gestures. Otherwise, if theres one in your bedroom dressed like a slutty nurse, then yeah, she's a naughty nurse

Is it appropriate for females to give clothes as gifts to their married male co-workers?

First of all, why are you giving a gift to this co worker in the first place? Unless you are.... A. Good Friends B. Invited to his birthday party You shouldn't be giving. Otherwise, it seems appropriate but also consider a giftcard or baseball cap or something of that aren't his mother!!