

When do you need planning permission?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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12y ago

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To make sure the building is safe to build.

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Q: When do you need planning permission?
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Hi, It is highly likely that you will need planning permission for a new (additional) chimney. If you are replacing an old one like for like then you wont need permission.

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You never know if you need planning permission apply anyway so if they come and inspect it they can't tear it down because of no permission.

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If you are thinking of putting a Mobile on private land you will almost certainly need planning permission from your local government (City, Municipality, etc) You will generally also need to have permission for septic disposal and field.

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Not usually, unless there is a condition attached to a previous planning permission on the property restricting the use of the garage for parking vehicles only. Best check with the planning dept.

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You will need to speak to your loacal council. I would put your ideas down in a letter, including dimensions, positioning of the extension etc...(a rough sketch will do). The local council will then check to see if you need planning permission- you may not even need it.

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If you erect a large tent in your garden you should be able to work successfully at night without bothering with planning permission.

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You only need permission for your monologue if you're planning on using to make money. What I mean is that you can't use a monologue and perform it and make people pay for a ticket. You don't need permission to use a monologue for trying out for a play or movie though.

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You would need planning permission for a conservatory if the conservatory meets certain criteria. There are limits on the length and height of conservatories, and also no balconies or raised platforms are allowed. If a conservatory goes beyond the length and height limits, or if it goes beyond any other limit set by the local building authority, then planning permission is required.

Do you need planning permission for a velux window if you live in a flat?

Perhaps you would,depending on location of neighboring buildings.