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The best type of bleachers are those of a steel or aluminum structure. These will typically hold more weight than wood ones, and will weather quite a bit better, providing long lasting support of just about any weight.

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Q: What type of bleachers will hold the most weight?
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Wooden Bleachers vs. Aluminum Bleachers?

Bleachers come in several types of material and styles, but the focus of today will be determining if wooden bleachers would be more suitable for your seating area or if you should consider aluminum instead. Bleachers were originally all made from wood, and those outdoors would become bleached by the sun. This is how bleachers got their name. If you are installing your bleachers outdoors, aluminum is probably the best option. Aluminum bleachers will not be changed by the elements, so are sure to last longer than wood in this setting. Aluminum bleachers are also relatively light weight, so if you only need a small seating area, a set of portable aluminum bleachers will be easy to move around. Of course, aluminum bleachers are also available in much larger sizes like those you would typically see in stadiums. Wooden bleachers do well in indoor places such as a gymnasium. These bleachers can be installed in a manner that allows them to be pushed back against the wall when not in use, giving you more space. Wooden bleachers also have a traditional look that is valuable to some people. These bleachers are also available for custom orders in whatever color scheme you prefer. Wooden bleachers can go outside, but tend to rot easily. If you simply must have wooden bleachers outdoors, investigate what types of products are available to protect them from the elements. Likewise, aluminum bleachers can certainly be used indoors, but may not be as attractive as their wooden counterparts. Consider the area you need seating in when choosing which type bleacher to purchase. Weigh the reasons for and against each type before making your selection. Generally speaking, this type of investment is one that is made once every several decades so choosing wisely is of the utmost importance. Whichever type of bleacher you choose for your seating solution be sure to purchase from a reputable supplier. Faulty bleachers can result in injury and lawsuits, and no one wants to be involved in either.

What kind of weight do pallet jacks hold?

It really depends on the type of pallet jacks, but the largest, most heavy-duty ones can hold up to 10,000 kilograms. That's over 22,000 pounds! That's a lot of weight.

What type of venue might have bleachers?

a school gym might have bleachers or a public soccer feild or athletic field.a football local football field might also have not sure exactly but a baseball field might also have bleachers.

Bleacher Installation Options?

When choosing bleachers for an event, careful consideration should be made as to what type of bleachers to choose. There are several styles available, and each one has a specific design and purpose. Permanent Bleachers are featured with many companies, and typically feature a galvanized steel finish for durability and low maintenance. Sometimes called Grandstands, these bleachers commonly range anywhere from five to thirty rows high. Foot boards and ten-inch seating planks are usually aluminum and offer more comfortable places for spectators to view events. For assistance in weight distribution and added stability, sleeper beams may be ordered and are used under the bleachers to prevent units from sinking into grass or turf. Many schools choose permanent bleachers to showcase sporting meets and other campus activities because they have large seating capacities and can accommodate many guests. Portable Bleachers, a more compatible form of seating for indoor events or smaller spaces, use wheels for portability and lightweight equipment for easy assembly. These bleachers also possess brakes to ensure safety during use and in storage. Some portable bleachers are called Tip and Roll bleachers and allow indoor events to have larger seating capacities. These types of bleachers should only be used indoors, however, because wind can pose the risk of tipping. When considering these bleachers, one should also consult their event specialist to determine whether guard rails should be added for spectators’ convenience. On most occasions, portable bleachers seat approximately thirty people. Players Benches are one of the smallest forms of bleachers, and they usually only include one to two rows of bleachers for players’ use during sporting events. Most hold from two to fourteen players, but they can be special ordered to accommodate more if needed. With or without backrests, these benches offer comfortable seating for sports teams and adequate access to the playing field or court. Most players’ benches are permanently set in concrete and are ideal for baseball games, around tennis courts, or on football fields.

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I want to build a truss bridge because truss bridge is most economical and his dead load is too low.

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cause if your skinny you cant hold your 5hit

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