He used strong colours
P88. He uses his own stick curve.
he tends to use oil paints and water colours ,rather than acrylic, on his larger canvases.
G Shock G-Lide in Assorted Colours. Mostly White.
Patrick uses a mix of vibrant colours but the main materials he uses is Acrylic Paints and fine liners.
Bright, bold, flat colours, so they look eye catching.
Aborigines do not use colours such as pinks and fluoro colours.
use advancing colours in a small room and receding colours in a bigger room
dull colours
In Surrealism Art they used : Oils on canvas, and water colours. In Surrealism Art they make small brush strokes for detail, when you look closely to this type of art it looks messy. But when you step back your eyes adjust so you can see what the artist has painted.
what sort of software packages use rgb colours
There were no surnames in use at the time of St. Patrick.