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my sisters schools

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Q: What is the plural for my sisters school?
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How do you say my sister's school in the plural form?

The plural form for the noun sister is sisters; the plural possessive form is sisters'.Examples:My sisters' school is Lincoln High. Jane is in ninth grade and June is a senior.My sisters' schools are Lincoln High and Washington Community College.

What is the plural form of your sisters school?

The plural form of the plural noun sisters is sisters'.The English language can be very confusing when it comes to pluralization of possessive punctuation. Perhaps these examples will help you:If you have more than one sister:"My sisters' school is..."If you have one sister who goes to more than one school: "My sister's schools are..."If you have more than one sister and they go to different schools: "My sisters' schools are..."Please note that the difference is the placement of the apostrophe, not the pronunciation.

What is the plural of sisters?

The plural form of sister is sisters.

What is the plural possessive noun for the word sisters?

The plural possessive noun for "sisters" is "sisters'".

Is sisters' plural or singular?

The word sisters' is plural possessive. The singular is sister, singular possessive is sister's; the plural is sisters, the plural possessive is sisters'.

What is the plural for sister?

The plural for sister is sisters.

What is plural for sister?

The plural form of "sister" is "sisters."

What is a plural of sister?

The plural form for the noun sister is sisters.

What is the plural of sister-in- law?

The plural is "sisters-in-law."

What is the plural possessive of twin sisters?

The plural possessive is twin sisters'.

What is the plural possessive word for sister?

The possessive form of the plural word "sisters" is "sisters'."

What is the plural possessive form for sister-in-law?

The plural of the noun sister-in-law is sisters-in-law.The plural possessive is sisters-in-law's.Example: "Both of my sisters-in-law's cars were in my driveway."