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It could be a 'shed'.

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Q: What is the meaning of a small building for storing things?
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What is a small building for storing things called?

it is called shed !!!!!!

What do you call a small building for storing?

A shed

What is a small building for storing thing?

it is called shed !!!!!!

A small buildings for storing things?


What is shed?

Shedding is when and animal loses hair and/or quills if you have a hedgehog or something like that. Basically it's just when an animal loses hair in most cases.

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What is the meaning of shanty?

Jaunty; showy., A small, mean dwelling; a rough, slight building for temporary use; a hut., To inhabit a shanty.

A small room for storing food and crockery?

Food can be stored in a pantry.

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'All the Small Things' by Blink 182 is about all the little things people do in a relationship that are important for a loving relationship.