There are about 44.483 miles between Albany, CA and Santa Rosa, CA.
There are about 60.762 miles between Santa Rosa, CA and San Ramon, CA.
average yearly rainfall in Santa Rosa, CA is 31.01 inches
460 miles
There are about 149.441 miles between Santa Rosa, CA and Redding, CA.
San Francisco is 55.10 miles away from Santa Rosa.
There are about 68 miles between the Oakland airport and Santa Rosa, CA.
California Senate District 2 includes Santa Rosa, CA. It covers a major part of the north coast of California from Santa Rosa to Eureka.
The address of the Santa Rosa Art Guild is: Po Box 307, Santa Rosa, CA 95402-0307
Santa Rosa, CA is 55 miles north of San Francisco.
The cheapest hotel in Santa Rosa, CA is the motel 6 Santa Rosa south. It has rooms available for as low as $46 a night and can go to about $66 a night.
It is 376 miles according to Google Maps.