The area of Soak City - Valleyfair - is 28,327.9949568 square meters.
The area of Valleyfair is 505,857.0528 square meters.
The amusement park Valleyfair is located in USA. More specifically in the city Minneapolis in the state Minnesota. It is a park where you can see lots of stuff.
Valleyfair was created in 1976.
The motto of Valleyfair is 'The Fun and Only'.
Corkscrew - Valleyfair - was created in 1980.
Steel Venom - Valleyfair - was created in 2003.
The founder of Valleyfair was Burt Martin from MN
Knott's Soak City was created in 1999.
Soak City U.S.A in Orange County opened in 1999.
Valleyfair is an amusement park near Shakopee, MN. I am not aware of anyone who lives there, so it has no population.
Yes! It is called Soak City!!! It is very fun, i have been!!!