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Land for houses and living on, as opposed to business land.

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Q: What is an example of a residential land use?
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What would be an example of a land-use law?

A town zones an area for residential buildings only. This is an example of a land use law.

What are the basics land use patterns in cities?

== == The basic land use patterns in cities are residential, industrial, and commercial.

What are some land use types?

There are several types of land use that include agriculture and farming. Land is zoned for residential use, industrial use, and for national parks.

What is land use conflict?

A land-use conflict is what happens when individuals with an interest in an area of land do not agree on how to use the land. In urban areas this can happen when a company wants to use residential land for industrial purposes.

Can land users continue to enjoy land use rights after they expire in China?

In China it depends on the purpose for which the land is being used. For residential use, after the term of residential land use rights expires, it will be automatically extended. For non-residential use, when the term of land use rights specified in the land grant contract is due to expire, if land users need to continue to use the land, they are required to apply for an extension of the term no later than 1 year prior to the expiration; unless the land needs to be recovered for public interest, the application must be approved. When the term of land use rights expires, if land users fail to apply for an extension of land use rights, or its extension is disapproved, the land use rights will be recovered by state without any compensation.

Which of the following is an example of a land-use law?

A residential zoning ordinance

Can horses be on residential land?

No they can not

What are land use rights in China?

In China, land use rights are the rights for natural persons, legal persons or other organizations to use land rights for a fixed period of time. China adopts dual land tenure system under which land ownership is independent of land use rights. The land is either owned by the state ("State Land") or by rural collective economic organization ("Collective Land"). The term of land use rights varies depending on different land use purpose. For example, if a piece of state land is used for industrial purpose, the term is 50 years while if it is used for residential purpose, the term is 70 years. More specifically, the term of rights to use State Land is: (1) 70 years for residential use; (2) 50 years for industrial use; (3) 50 years for educational, scientific and technological, health, and athletic use; (4) 40 years for business, tourist, and recreational use; and (5) 50 years for multiple purpose use or other uses. The term of rights to use collective land for cultivation or similar purpose is: The term for cultivated land is 30 years, for grassland it is from 30 to 50 years, and for forest land it is from 30 to 70 years. The term for special woods may be longer, subject to approval from the government authority in charge of forestry. No Chinese law defines the term of farmers' residential use of collective land.

Who are granted land use rights in China?

In China, granted land use rights are the rights to use state land for a fixed period of time, which are granted by the government to land users. Generally, land users enter into land grant contracts with the government authority in charge of land, and pays land grant premiums in exchange for land use rights on state land for a fixed period of time. The maximum term of land grant is determined based on its use. For example, the term for residential use is 70 years while the term for industrial use is 50 years. Chinese law requires that all land use rights for commercial use must be granted by bidding, auction or quotation on the open market.

What is residential land?

Residential land is a place where people build single- family homes, multiple family homes, and condos to live there.

What is the process of 'zoning' used for?

Zoning is a process used by governments to plan out the best use for the land in their district. Land can be zoned residential for homes, commercial or industrial.

Who are able to use the Massachusetts labor law service and why?

Land use representation for real estate developers and owners of commercial and residential property in Massachusetts.