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It took 5 years to agree upon but in April of 2006, negotiations were finalized and a future WTC site plan was unvailed. This will include 6 new WTC buildings including 1 main tower (Freedom Tower) instead of the original 2. A memorial and museum will take place on the original tower 1 & 2 footprints and a performing arts center will be constructed after Port Authorities temporary exit is moved after the major structural construction of ground zero is set up.

WTC 1-5 and WTC 7 are planned. There is no plans for a future WTC 6 building although 99 Church Street or Goldman Sachs may be named WTC 6 in the future. WTC 7 (the 3rd structure to collapse besides the major towers) has already been completed. Construction began in 2002 and the tower opened in May '06. The original WTC 7 had 47 floors, the new has 52 floors. As of Sept 08, the 10 uppermost floors are the only unleased floors with portions of 2 other floors currently empty as well.

All new buildings that have not already been completed

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Q: What are the plans for the reconstruction of ground zero in New York City?
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