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Q: What are 2 things ClevelandMilwaukeeDetroitChicago have in common?
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There are two things they all have in common: 1) They are all by Arthur Miller and 2) They are all Dramas

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to the king and smaller common things

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Common kissing can be one of two things: 1. someone who kisses the way common, vulgar people do 2. someone who kisses somebody's "common". i will NOT discuss what that means!!

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Heat and pressure are the most common cause of metamorphism of rock.

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Tomatoes and lettuce grow well, as well as other common vegetables.

2 common things one has millions of moving parts the other has no moving parts what are they?

One is a watch, the other could be a range of things but my answer is goin to be table :) <3

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No. If you have 4 things in common with a chimp, does that make you a chimp?

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Yes, things is a common noun, the plural form for the singular thing.