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Q: How would you describe the shape of Madison Square Garden?
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What is the negation of the statement the shape of a garden is square?

The shape of the garden is not square.

Choose the negation of this statement The shape of the garden is a square?

shape of the garden is NOT square. A+

What is the perimeter of a 256 square foot garden?

depends on its shape. Circular garden would be 56.72 ft, a square garden 64ft

If the area of the garden is 11 square feet what could be the dimensions of the garden?

The dimension will be a 2D shape

What is the width of a garden that is 25 square feet?

A square garden shape of 25 square feet could be 5 feet long by 5 feet width. There are other possibilities.

If a garden has a perimeter of 80 meters what is the area?

Without knowing the shape of the garden, it is not possible to determine the area based solely on the perimeter. The area of a garden depends on its shape, whether it is rectangular, square, circular, or irregular.

In which shape and size a garden could be grown?

A garden can be grown in any size or shape if you have the room. Many people like to make a square garden for veggies. Flower gardens can be grown to suit a landscape in the yard.

What other shape names can be used to describe a square?

The shape is like a diamond,or a rectangle. Parallelogram

What shape this describe 6 square faces.?

You're describing a cube.

How would you describe a square?

A geometrical shape with four equal sides.

Is a cube a solid Or is a square a solid?

both are solid.Cube is 3D while square is 2D.cube is used to describe solid shape in 3Dwhile square is used to describe the shape of the surface which is only 2D

If rose garden in Central Park is in the shape of a circle the distance from the center point of the garden to the edge is 21 feet to the nearest square foot what is the area of the rose garden?

346 sq. ft.