Flood Smart.gov (http://www.floodsmart.gov/floodsmart/pages/choose_your_policy/policy_rates.jsp) has a list of various policy rates you can check to see how much flood insurance will cost.
A lot
ugh go die
10gp and a bronze hatchet.
none at all pets
"Outdoor flood lights can cost you anywhere from $50 to over $200 depending on how fancy you want it to be and where you purchase it from. But, you can buy it for an affordable price from places like Walmart, sears, or target"
As much as they want. Usually, enough to cover the rebuild cost or loan...whichever is greater.
anywhere from $3.50-15.00/s.f. with no walls.
blah blah blah. no. it depends on how big the flood is or how much water damages the property or area. if it is alot of water, you would expect to have to pay alot!
Much of the Bass Pro flood merchandise evidently was purchased by a company called Walls Bargain Centers, a distressed merchandise outlet type marketer. They are mostly located in Oklahoma. As I have personally visited several of their locations and have seen much merchandise that was from Bass Pro. Some was rusted, so I am assuming it was from the flood of their Opry Mills location in Nashville, TN.
the pope at the time thought it cost too much money.