It has 22 skyscrapers
39 Skyscrapers.
Skyscrapers has three syllables.
over 8000
Minneapolis IS in Minneota.
Louis Sullivan is known as the " Father of Skyscrapers." And many people after him created skyscrapers. That gave southern farmers a chance for opportunity in the cities of America such as building skyscrapers.
How many water towers minneapolis mn
about 300
There is no standard collective noun for skyscrapers, in which case a noun that suits the situation can function as a collective noun; for example, a landscape of skyscrapers, a cluster of skyscrapers, a glitter of skyscrapers, etc.
more than 1.
353 skyscrapers have fallen all over the world.The tallest one and the saddest one collapsed in 9/11.=C