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Q: How many injuries are treated in the emergency room football?
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What sorts of injuries are treated with ultrasound therapy?

Many sports injuries are treated with such therapy. Usually muscle injuries are the most common.

How many kids bust their head open a year?

Around 700,000 children are treated in U.S. emergency rooms each year for head injuries. However, not all of these injuries result in a broken skull. It is important to take precautions to prevent head injuries in children.

Do football linemen get hurt?

Knee injuries are highest because its easy for other linemen to fall on them, Acheilles injuries might happen, then some d-linmen are know to have elbow injuries

How many football injuries happen per year?


How many people get injured a year while skateboarding?

More than 25,000 people are treated in hospital emergency rooms for skateboard-related injuries every year. Some of those injuries can be severe, and skateboarders have been killed by head injuries and collisions with cars.

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How many children are physically injured every year?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 9.2 million children are treated in the emergency department for unintentional injuries each year in the United States. This includes injuries from falls, car accidents, sports-related incidents, and more. A significant portion of these injuries are preventable through education and safety measures.

How many emergency departments in the US?

There are approximately 1,800 emergency departments in the US. Emergency departments treat a wide range of illness and injuries and are typically open 24 hours a day.

How many people get injured a year from falling?

Around 8.9 million people are treated in emergency departments for fall-related injuries each year in the United States.

How many football injuries has there been in the last 10 years?

thousands upon thousands.

How many people get head injuries from not wearing a helmet?

Nearly 400,000 kids go to hospital emergency rooms due to bike injuries each year.

How many people are injured by BB guns per year?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 22,000 people are treated in hospital emergency rooms for injuries related to BB guns and pellet guns each year in the United States.