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Q: How are individuals responsible for corporate stewardship such as the maintenance of public buildings and space?
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In Ancient Rome, an aedility was the office of an elected official responsible for festivals and the maintenance of public buildings - the person who was responsible for these was called an aedile.

What is a facilities management?

This person is responsible for day to day maintenance of buildings, offices or any other specific areas in terms of mobilizing people, resources etc. electrical, carpentry, air-condition. He/she is also responsible for preventative and routine maintenance as well as dealing with any queries or reconfigurations that may occur

What do facility management do?

Facility management companies are the administrators of office buildings, schools, hospitals, stadiums among others. They are responsible for this such as fire safety, cleaning, security, maintenance and space allocation.

What do facility management companies do?

Facility management companies are the administrators of office buildings, schools, hospitals, stadiums among others. They are responsible for this such as fire safety, cleaning, security, maintenance and space allocation.

What is preventive maintenance of buildings?

Preventative maintenance of buildings includes numerous services related to HVAC maintenance, floor maintenance, roof repair, irrigation maintenance, plumbing repair and more. These services allow you to save money on some more expensive costs down the road. If you pursue preventative and regularly should last longer.

What is the full form of PWD?

Public Works Department Public Works Department

What has the author Kennon L Callahan written?

Kennon L. Callahan has written: 'Small, Strong Congregations' 'Giving and stewardship in an effective church' -- subject(s): Christian Stewardship, Christian giving, Christian stewardship 'Building for effective mission' -- subject(s): Church facilities, Church buildings, Planning, Mission of the church, Church 'A new beginning for pastors and congregations' -- subject(s): Pastoral theology

What job who is responsible for destroying buildings?

Demolition coompanies.

What has the author Barrie Chanter written?

Barrie Chanter has written: 'Building maintenance management' -- subject(s): Buildings, Management, Maintenance, OverDrive, Engineering, Nonfiction, Technology

What do general maintenance and repair workers do?

General maintenance and repair workers maintain and repair machines, mechanical equipment, and buildings. They work on plumbing, electrical, and air-conditioning and heating systems.

What are the advantages of steel buildings over brick?

Steel buildings are Eco-friendly , they are energy efficient, they require less maintenance and last longer than brick and some other materials. The government gives tax credit for steel buildings.

What does the term facilities imply in relationship to maintenance jobs?

For maintenance jobs, the term facilities implies many different places such as warehouses and the office buildings. It also relates to restrooms and break areas.