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Christmas lights and Christmas tree

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Q: Early 1900s what were so expensive they were rented?
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At Christmas in the early 1900s what was so expensive it was rented?

It was your Mom!

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Elvis was born in 1935 so in the early 1900 he had yet to be born.

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The story takes place in 1905, so the early 1900s.

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No because they couldn't travel in the 1900s

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because horse was a delicacy back than...

How much does it cost to rent ride lawnmower?

the place i rented from was 100 bucks a day. But i live in Hawaii so everything's more expensive

What is the difference in gas prices today from gas prices in the 1900s?

Gasoline was 20 cents per gallon in 1913. That is equal to $4.42 in todays money. So as you can easily see gas was very expensive in the 1900s.

Were there movies in the 18900s?

The year 18900 has not come yet. So I am guessing that you mean 1890. No, they were begining in the early 1900s.

Is there a free chapel in the Washington DC area that will host weddings?

No, there is not. Weddings are very expensive, and DC is a very popular area. The location must be rented, and is very expensive, more so depending on the area.

Can pop-up banners be rented instead of purchased?

"Pop-up banners are easily rented. The companies know that they are expensive to buy for only one use, so they want to make more money by using them over and over again. There are many places to rent them from."

How much did car cost in the early 1900s?

it costed a lot of money so they lowered it down and almost everybody then could aford a car