

Can I Break a lease due to sewage odor?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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Q: Can I Break a lease due to sewage odor?
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Can you break your lease due to cancer?

No - that's not a breach by the landlord.

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That depends on the wording of the lease.

Can a military family break their lease due to financial hardship?

No. That is not a breach by the landlord.

Can you break your lease if you purchase a home?

No, purchasing a home is not sufficient reason to break your lease for a rented dwelling. However, you may want to talk to your landlord and see if he/she will release you from the remainder of your lease. Sometimes this involves paying all or a portion of the rent due from the remaining terms of the lease.

Is there any way to get out of a renters lease due to medical injury?

Yes my sister broke her lease due to a medical issue. You need to explain your problem to your landlord and chances are he will let you out of your lease. If he doesn't, go to landlords and tenants court and ask for a show cause petition to break a lease. Have documentation supporting your claims.

Why does human waste sometimes smell like raw sewage?

Human waste can smell like raw sewage due to the presence of certain compounds, such as sulfur-containing molecules, that are released during the breakdown of proteins and other organic matter in the digestive system. These compounds can produce a strong, unpleasant odor similar to that of raw sewage.

Can you break a lease due to contaminated water?

you should give the land owners a chance to fix the problem, unless you are looking for a way out.

Can I break my lease if I just got a Section 8 voucher?

It depends on the terms of your lease and local laws. You may be able to negotiate with your landlord to break the lease early due to your Section 8 voucher, but you should check the lease agreement and seek advice from a legal professional or housing authority for guidance.

How to break my lease with my roomate and landord due to roomate not paying their half of the bills?

Small claims court may be your answer. Eviction will need legal help.

Can you break a lease due to asthma from old carpets w cat dander?

If they're really so old that they should be replaced, you need to give the landlord a chance to replace them before you simply break the lease. Write him/her a letter giving them some time (maybe 20 days?) to replace the carpets.