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Q: Are Residential sidewalks public or private property?
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Are pocket bikes legal to drive on sidewalks and public property in PA?

on private property but in public no

Can you take out a sidewalk Is the sidewalk private or public property?

The ability to remove a sidewalk depends on whether it is located on private or public property. Sidewalks on private property can typically be removed with proper permits and approval from the local authorities. However, sidewalks on public property usually require permission from the relevant municipal department or government agency.

Are side walks along a strip mall considered to be public property?

Most strip malls are owned by companies or corporations. The property that they operate with the stores are considered private property as are their parking lots and sidewalks.

Is a supermaket on public or private property?

A retail store is a public space but it's private property.

Is private property always private?

Yes. Private property remains private property until it becomes public property by a transfer of title by deed or by a taking.Yes. Private property remains private property until it becomes public property by a transfer of title by deed or by a taking.Yes. Private property remains private property until it becomes public property by a transfer of title by deed or by a taking.Yes. Private property remains private property until it becomes public property by a transfer of title by deed or by a taking.

What is the opposite of private property?

The opposite of private property is public property, which is owned collectively or by the government for the use and benefit of the general public.

Why is public property more important than private property?

because everybody is effecting y absence of public property. there is saying "Everybody's is nobody property". So we should give equal importance to private property and public property

Are alleys private or public property?

Depends on what type of alley it is, some can be private or public!

What does private property meaning?

It means: "Property belonging to a private individual" as opposed to "public property" : property belonging to the community as a whole or belonging to the State".

Is a mc donalds parking lot considered public or private?

Private property.

Is tobacco illegal in Colorado?

No.... don't be ridiculous. Now the City of Golden does have an ordinance prohibiting smoking and vaping on public sidewalks and other private property, but I doubt it's very strictly enforced, and it would be easy enough to subvert, anyhow.

Are college athletic fields private property?

A private university's will be. A state college... it is considered public property, but they do have restrictions on who can access them and when.