

Why is everybody going nuts?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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Q: Why is everybody going nuts?
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I doubt it. But how do you define "normal"?

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No, everybody has a different opinion no matter who they are.

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it is different for everybody, including the tower combinations. sorry about that

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When their time comes.

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Unfortunatly.... yes

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If the world ends, everybody would probably die.

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you are going nuts

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Everybody has their own idea of "dream" stuff - it's going to be different for everybody.

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its nuts. take out its nuts and hell will be a going down. _:note:_ i do not promote the kill spotting of squirrels.

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The Agouti can bury Brazilian nuts to grow more trees and the nuts from that treeand the circle can keep on going!

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Freezing your nuts off