Dropping the ball usually means failing in some way to perform up to expectations.
It's a sports reference. If you drop the ball, you have made a mistake and not done what you were supposed to do on your turn, or when the project was in your hands.
"Blow it" IS an idiom. Other idioms with similar meaning include "drop the ball" and "miss the boat."
"Get on the ball and finish" is an idiom of "try harder" and "make an effort". Example: Sam really needs to get on the ball and finish his homework!
To drop something anywhere , OR a very filthy accomodation
Nothing. I believe you're thinking of "a drop in the bucket," which is an idiom meaning something is only a tiny amount of what is actually needed.
If someone says that something or someone else is "a ball of fire," it means that they are really talented and quickly rising in their field.
It's a sports idiom. When the ball comes into play, it is on the field and in the hands of an athlete. When something comes into play, it is in action in whatever situation is being discussed.
"A drop" is slang for alcohol in this phrase. It means that someone doesn't drink alcoholic beverages. The image is of the person not even touching the drink with their hands.
Something that is an absolute surprise.
It is an issue you really don't want to handle or get involved in or a person you really don't want in your life.
This is a sports idiom -- it comes from basketball, where the "court" is the playing field. If the ball is in your court, you have control of it and it is your turn to play. This idiom means that whatever happens next is up to you.It pretty much means it is up to you to make the next move.It means, like, what happens next is up to you, you have to make the decisionThis is a sports idiom. The court is the basketball court. If the ball is on your side, or in your court, then it is your turn to move.