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it means specific.

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Q: What does it mean when someone says just in general?
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Typically when someone says, "get off my back," it means - in general - stop bothering me.

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To challenge you.

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If your name starts with a b, its just a short form, but when someone says "what is up b" The b means "bitch".

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Then srry but they just don't like you!:(srry

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Just means that someone has to earn hugs from her.

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It means he or she just wants to be your friend.

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When someone says "I'm just picking on you," it often means they are teasing or joking with you in a lighthearted manner. It suggests a playful interaction rather than serious criticism.

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just because someone asks you if you are gay does NOT mean that they are gay. but they could be. but just because they ask you, if your gay... in that case not necessarily.

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If someone says that, it means that they think there is more to a person then just looks. They are interested in learning about the person's personality and life, and are not shallow.

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If someone says that they validate you as a person, they mean that they consider you to be a worthwhile person.

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