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These are some cheers that my squad does:

Green Machine

Hey clap, hey you point finger out,clap

There's nothing you can do wave hands over each other, clap

you clap just can't stop that clap green machine bend down with one hand one hip other in a dager then pop up with hand in full extention

Thats all I can think of. Hope this helped

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im using white as an example

abcdefg WHITE team will win victory


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12y ago

We are the B-L-A

B-L-A-C-K x2

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Q: What are any cheers for the yellow for color war?
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What color were German U boat in World War 1?

it was yellow

What color represents courage?

Red is the color generally associated with courage. it is linked to courage because it is the color of blood which indicates danger and sacrifice.

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yellow in my opinion yellow is not the most sour its black cherry but really it depends on which flavor really sets your taste buds flying though the roof!!!

What does yellow mean in japan?

In Japan during the War of Dynasty in 1357, each warrior wore a yellow chrysanthemum as a pledge of courage. - I find that fascinating, that in Japan the color yellow is one of courage. Here in America, it is the exact opposite. Yellow is considered the color of cowardice; indeed, to "show a yellow streak up the back" or to be "yellow bellied" or even just to be "yellow" is to be insultingly termed a coward. Indeed, this seems to be true in most western cultures. I find it terribly interesting how colors have different, even opposite, meanings across cultures. I wonder how differently other colors are perceived, and what other perceptions of yellow exist in cultures other than Japanese and American? - Yellow is a sacred color in Buddhism, and a color of monks' clothes. Buddhism monks in Japan don't wear yellow clothes, but still it's an important color in Busshism. I heard that Japan's Emperor's son wore dark yellow cloth for his wedding.

What color were World War 2 parachutes?

White for Allies and yellow for Germans Some were colored to identify cargo container contents or camoflaged to hide.

Hogs of War what color are the teams?

Green - England Light Blue - America Dark Blue - France Grey - Germany Yellow - Japan Red - Russia

Which Russian cities were destroyed during World War 2?

Leningrad & Stalingrad Cheers Rawad Nassif

Are there any German World War 2 Helmet decals featuring a horse on a yellow or orange background?

The US Army's 7th Cavalry has a horse with a yellow background and a diagonal black stripe.

What color does yellow symbolize?

Taken from FactMonster "In Egypt and Burma, yellowsignifies mourning. In Spain, executioners once wore yellow. In India, yellow is the symbol for a merchant or farmer. In tenth-century France, the doors of traitors and criminals were painted yellow. Hindus in India wear yellow to celebrate the festival of spring. If someone is said to have a "yellow streak," that person is considered a coward. In Japan during the War of Dynasty in 1357, each warrior wore a yellow chrysanthemum as a pledge of courage. A yellowribbon is a sign of support for soldiers at the front. Yellow is a symbol of jealousy and deceit. In the Middle Ages, actors portraying the dead in a play wore yellow. To holistic healers, yellow is the color of peace. Yellow has good visibility and is often used as a color of warning. It is also a symbol for quarantine, an area marked off because of danger. "Yellow journalism" refers to irresponsible and alarmist reporting."

Was yellow fever in the civil war?


How did the yellow star influence World War 2?

The yellow star was used to mark out Jews but it had no influence on World War 2.

What are any cheers for the red for color war?

i was on a red color war team! here are some of my favorites: Our team is what? dynamite! Our team is what? dynamite! our team is hold up, wait a minute put a little BOOM in it! tictictictic Baboom dynamite! our team is what? red hot our team is what? red hot our team is r-e-d red h-o-t yeah we can't help the stuff we got r-e r-e-d thats what we wanna see! we want a victory red RED! alright, alright, alright, alright, alright!